CouldaShouldaWoulda with Stuart McAllister

Don’t commit spiritual ambush! Stuart talks to Abdu about some common mistakes of zeal that we make in evangelism and apologetics. Listen as Stuart recounts a time he wished he had done something differently, and a time he followed the Lord’s prompting and did it well, and the lessons he learned about drawing a person […]

Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 20

In this episode, Abdu and Derek respond to comments and questions on their episode addressing comments made by Paula Fredriksen on Luke/Acts and the relation of that author to Paul. They also add some more details that they did not get to mention in the original episode.

Coulda Shoulda Woulda with Janell Wood

Fear feels like control, but love feels like trust. Anyone who does evangelism or apologetics knows the burden of trying to change someone’s mind regarding matters of faith. It is a burden of love, but without a firm confidence in the Lord, it can feel to others like a burden of control. In this episode, […]

CouldaShouldaWoulda with Lisa Fields

Every person comes with context. Apologists and evangelists regularly regret their failure to fairly listen to the arguments others make. However, Lisa tells Abdu that the real regret is a failure to listen to their stories.

Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 9

Abdu and Derek discuss All Rise episodes 16 and 17. Ricky Gervais claims atheists just believe In one less god–Bart Ehrman claims the gospels are anonymous!

CouldaShouldaWoulda with Matthew Mittelberg

Don’t mistake preparation for practice. Matthew talks to Abdu about two emotions every apologist and evangelist knows well, fear and anger, and the keys to controlling them when talking to skeptics.

All Rise: Ricky Gervais Claims Atheists Just Believe In One Less God … And??

Comedian Ricky Gervais claims that we are all essentially atheists with regard to 2,999 gods, and that atheists just have the courage/integrity to go one god further. But is this a meaningful statement? Abdu and Derek address other claims made by Gervais, including what would happen if all science and history books disappeared and where […]

CouldaShouldaWoulda with Rice Broocks

Verbal sparring is not the Gospel. In this episode, Rice offers Abdu a refreshing approach to evangelism for apologists: don’t fall into the trap of an intellectual argument for the sake of argument or puffing up the self. Rice Broocks is the senior minister of Bethel World Outreach Church in Nashville, TN, cofounder of the […]

Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 8

We will be joined LIVE by astrophysicist and founder of ‘Reasons to Believe’, Dr. Hugh Ross, to answer your questions about science, faith, and the Bible. Recently, Dr. Ross appeared on Abdu’s podcast, All Rise, to discuss claims made by popular astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson about the Bible’s alleged scientific errors.