CouldaShouldaWoulda with Alan Shlemon

Alan Shlemon, author and speaker with Stand to Reason, tells us about a time he made a convincing point a bit too forcefully and accidentally communicated the wrong message.

CouldaShouldaWoulda with Andy Steiger

Andy, apologist and founder of Apologetics Canada, tells us about a time he was ashamed to identify as a Christian pastor and the effect it had on his faith afterward.

CouldaShouldaWoulda with Cameron McAllister

Cameron reveals something surprising: Christians do not always have to be on the defensive since everyone has a belief system full of assumptions that require explanation.

All Rise: Interview with Greg Koukl, Part 2

Abdu’s friend and President of Stand to Reason, Greg Koukl, join’s him to discuss the updated edition of Greg’s book, Tactics: A Gameplan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. Tactics equips Christians with the same kind of methods lawyers use to find out the facts in a case. This is part two of a two-part interview.

All Rise: Interview with Greg Koukl, Part 1

Abdu’s friend and President of Stand to Reason, Greg Koukl, join’s him to discuss the updated edition of Greg’s book, Tactics: A Gameplan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. Tactics equips Christians with the same kind of methods lawyers use to find out the facts in a case. This is part one of a two-part interview.