All Rise: Does the Gospel of Thomas Prove the Church Suppressed the Truth?
Mystery gospels full of secret truths suppressed by the Church for centuries have finally been revealed! … Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it? According to the millions of people who have bought books, watched movies, and read news stories with such headlines, it certainly is! We all love a good “mystery has been revealed” story, but is […]
All Rise: Ricky Gervais Claims Atheists Just Believe In One Less God … And??
Comedian Ricky Gervais claims that we are all essentially atheists with regard to 2,999 gods, and that atheists just have the courage/integrity to go one god further. But is this a meaningful statement? Abdu and Derek address other claims made by Gervais, including what would happen if all science and history books disappeared and where […]
All Rise: Asked and Answered! Bill Maher Claims Jesus Is Based on Pagan Myths
Bill Maher claims that Jesus was not a historical person but was based on pagan myths. Does he have a point?
Not So Fast, Bart Ehrman: Jesus and Peregrinus, twinsies?
Is there anything worse than being unoriginal? Our culture has been cultivating the image of the ultimate free spirit over many decades now: the rugged individuals, taking on the world by themselves. The mavericks. The influencers. Who recalls the famous scene from Good Will Hunting where Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, must defend the […]
Did Curiosity Kill the Christian?
“You’re just burying your head in the sand!” Have you ever been accused of this? When a person of one belief can’t convince a person of a different belief to change his or her mind, the unsuccessful persuader might use this phrase to imply that the fault lies not in their incredible powers of argumentation […]
All Rise: Shabir Ally Objects! “Paul Hijacked Christianity” Part 2
Did Paul create a different Christianity than Jesus? That is the claim of Muslim apologist Shabir Ally. In this episode, Abdu responds to the alleged inconsistencies between the teachings of Paul and Jesus.
All Rise: Shabir Ally Objects! “Paul Hijacked Christianity” Part 1
Did Paul create a different Christianity than Jesus? That is the claim of Muslim apologist Shabir Ally. In this episode, Abdu investigates his claims through the legal principle of the adverse witness with help from an unlikely ally, Bart Ehrman, and illustrates the similarities between the teachings of Paul and Jesus.