All Rise: Asked and Answered! Bill Maher Claims Jesus Is Based on Pagan Myths

Bill Maher claims that Jesus was not a historical person but was based on pagan myths. Does he have a point?
Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 2

In this live episode, Abdu answers questions and objections related to his All Rise episode “Objection! Bill Maher Claims the Bible Never Condemns Slavery!” He also answers questions on the why a law court is a great way to scrutinize claims, the search for truth, and much more!
All Rise: Objection! Bill Maher Claims the Bible Never Condemns Slavery

Comedian, television host, and avowed atheist Bill Maher claims that the bible never condemns slavery, and in fact, it implicitly supports the institution. Abdu answers these claims, but also asks whether Maher’s objection would be sustainable in a court of law given his level of expertise. In other words, does speaking authoritatively mean that you […]