Was Lilith Adam’s Wife Before Eve?

Some say Lilith was Adam’s wife before Eve, that is before religious authorities silenced the truth. The actual story is a bit more complicated.
Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 8

Abdu and Derek answer questions related to Bill Maher’s claims that Jesus was based on pagan myths. They also discuss the meaning of similarities and dissimilarities, if Christmas and Easter were based on pagan holidays, the symbolism of snakes in the Bible, and Hell.
All Rise: Asked and Answered! Bill Maher Claims Jesus Is Based on Pagan Myths

Bill Maher claims that Jesus was not a historical person but was based on pagan myths. Does he have a point?
Not So Fast, Bart Ehrman: Jesus and Peregrinus, twinsies?

Is there anything worse than being unoriginal? Our culture has been cultivating the image of the ultimate free spirit over many decades now: the rugged individuals, taking on the world by themselves. The mavericks. The influencers. Who recalls the famous scene from Good Will Hunting where Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, must defend the […]
Between Joy and Hope | A Christmas Reflection

TRANSCRIPT Our family loves watching A Charlie Brown Christmas, the 1965 animated special (we don’t care much for the more modern sequel). It’s odd that something as seemingly frivolous as a cartoon can plumb the depths of Christmas. In the special, Charlie Brown is frustrated because his friends are putting on a Christmas pageant that […]