The Religion of Scientism, Part 3: A Faith in Peril

Faith is required in science. But the faith of Scientism is confronted with insurmountable objections.
All Rise: Is Christianity Dangerous and Delusional? LIVE at the University of Central Florida

The late physicist, philosopher, and atheist Victor Stenger once said, “Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.” This is a popular notion today, especially in the West, where Christianity and the Bible are often blamed for anti-scientific superstitions, terrorism, racism, and sexism, among other maladies. But is this correct? Abdu confronts […]
Commonly Asked Question: Is Christianity Intolerably Exclusive?

An objection one often hears is that Christianity is exclusive and thus intolerant. For example, what about all those sincere non-Christian people who believe in other gods or cling to other worldviews?