All Rise: Shabir Ally Objects! “Paul Hijacked Christianity” Part 2

Did Paul create a different Christianity than Jesus? That is the claim of Muslim apologist Shabir Ally. In this episode, Abdu responds to the alleged inconsistencies between the teachings of Paul and Jesus.
All Rise: Shabir Ally Objects! “Paul Hijacked Christianity” Part 1

Did Paul create a different Christianity than Jesus? That is the claim of Muslim apologist Shabir Ally. In this episode, Abdu investigates his claims through the legal principle of the adverse witness with help from an unlikely ally, Bart Ehrman, and illustrates the similarities between the teachings of Paul and Jesus.
Commonly Asked Question: Is the Trinity logical and Scriptural?

Although there are many misconceptions about the Trinity, we can see that the Trinity is logically possible. We can also clearly see how the Trinity is clearly presented throughout the word of God.