
You can explore the articles below by reading them, listening to them, or both.

What’s the Big Deal About Halloween?

What’s the Big Deal About Halloween?

Abdu and Derek are joined by special guest Cameron McAllister to discuss Halloween’s rising popularity, horror…

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The Problem with Scotland’s Hate Crime Law

The Problem with Scotland’s Hate Crime Law

A lawyer scrutinizes Scotland's new hate crime law and finds it severely lacking and muddled.

Terrified of 400,000 errors in the New Testament?  

Terrified of 400,000 errors in the New Testament?  

The Bible is full of errors. There are 400,000 errors in the New Testament alone. What…

Is Jesus God?

Is Jesus God?

New Testament critics claim Jesus never said he was God and the early church did not…

Is Jesus a Failed Apocalyptic Prophet?

Is Jesus a Failed Apocalyptic Prophet?

New Testament critics claim Jesus is a failed apocalyptic prophet. He said he would return soon,…

10 Essential Books on the Divinity of Jesus

10 Essential Books on the Divinity of Jesus

A curated list of scholarly books addressing the biblical portrayal of the divinity of Jesus and…


Abdu Murray

Abdu Murray is an international speaker and author on the intersections of the Christian faith and the questions of culture.


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