Ex-Muslim Answers Questions about Islam, Salvation, and the Qur’an vs the Bible | Ep 72

A former Muslim turned Christian is challenged on his views of Islam, Salvation, and how the Bible stands up against the Qur’an.
Maximal Data & The Gospels with Dr. Lydia McGrew | Ep 65

Christians have a lot of data to judge the reliability of the Gospels’ Resurrection accounts. So why do we limit ourselves? Should we move beyond minimal facts to maximal data?
Is the Gospel of John theological FICTION? With Dr. Lydia McGrew | Ep 63

Analytic philosopher Dr. Lydia McGrew uses her specialty to answer the perennial question: Is the Gospel of John an eyewitness account or merely a theological fiction?
Ten(ish) Books You Need To Read This Summer | Ep 61

The real reason for the rise in atheism, science vs. Christianity, and MORE as Abdu and Derek discuss the books you need to read this summer.
How Stereotypical Barbie might shatter stereotypes about the Bible

Within my close circles, I’m famous (or infamous) for obsessing about movies after seeing them. Unexpectedly, “Barbie” became one of those movies. For many, it has inspired and irritated, entertained and enraged, and roused and rankled. Many laud its female empowerment message. Others decry how it portrays men as clueless, narcissistic and power hungry. Though left almost […]
All Rise: Expert Witness Hugh Ross Debunks Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Claim that the Bible Contains Junk Science

Astrophysicist Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson claimed that if all you had was the Bible, you would gain a false view of the universe. However, fellow astrophysicist and our expert witness, Dr. Hugh Ross, explains to us that if Dr. Tyson had applied his own scientific method to the Bible, he would have found a library […]
Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 4

In this episode, Abdu and Derek respond to questions about the most recent episode of All Rise, “Objection! The Bible is Sexist! Part 2.” And since it Holy Week, they also discuss some oft-overlooked details concerning the women who stayed by Jesus’s side during the crucifixion and showed up again on Sunday morning to meet […]
All Rise: Objection! “The Bible Is Sexist” Part 2

In the previous episode, Abdu addressed allegedly sexist “texts of terror” in the Bible. Today, he presents his evidence for why the Bible establishes rather than inhibits the equality and dignity of women, often in very surprising ways!
Science DESTROYED Faith? The Curious Case of Nicolaus Copernicus

Up in the mornin’ Out on the job Work like the devil for my pay But that lucky old sun has nothin’ to do But roll ‘round heaven all day -Bob Dylan, 2015[i] Full Moons rise at sunset & set at sunrise. New moons rise at sunrise & set at sunset, but the lit […]
Deliberations LIVE! Ep. 3

In this episode, Abdu answers questions about the Bible and sexism, the need for objective morality to confront misogyny, a “contradiction” about incest in the Bible, and more!