All Rise: Objection! “The Bible Is Sexist” Part 1
Are certain verses in the Bible truly sexist “texts of terror”? Are women forbidden from speaking in church? Does the Old Testament command that women must marry their rapists? Join Abdu as he cross-examines these texts and more in the first of a two-part series on sexism and the Bible.
All Rise: Objection! Bill Maher Claims the Bible Never Condemns Slavery
Comedian, television host, and avowed atheist Bill Maher claims that the bible never condemns slavery, and in fact, it implicitly supports the institution. Abdu answers these claims, but also asks whether Maher’s objection would be sustainable in a court of law given his level of expertise. In other words, does speaking authoritatively mean that you […]
All Rise: Objection! The Bible Makes Mistakes
Christians believe the Bible was inspired by God, who does not make mistakes. Therefore, the Bible must be without error. However, if an error in the Bible is located, does this mean God did not inspire Christian holy writ? Join Abdu as he cross-examines a claim about the disputed age of King Ahaziah.
All Rise: Objection! Christians Engage in Circular Reasoning!
“The Bible is the Word of God because the Bible says it is the Word of God.” If you’ve ever made or heard this argument, you may have heard the accusation that it uses circular reasoning. Is that true? And if so, is it even possible to claim the divine authorship of the Bible without […]
Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Can the resurrection stand up to skeptical scrutiny? Consider the facts for yourself!
Commonly Asked Question: Is the Trinity logical and Scriptural?
Although there are many misconceptions about the Trinity, we can see that the Trinity is logically possible. We can also clearly see how the Trinity is clearly presented throughout the word of God.