Is Jesus a Failed Apocalyptic Prophet?

New Testament critics claim Jesus is a failed apocalyptic prophet. He said he would return soon, but it’s been 2,000 years. But what did Jesus really say?
Ehrman vs. Ehrman: Who is the Son of Man?

I’m confused. In a recent interview with Alex O’Connor, formerly known as the “Cosmic Skeptic,” critical New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman made a startling claim about a beloved Bible story where Jesus forgives sins and heals a paralytic man (Matthew 9:1-8; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 5:17-26). In this narrative, a paralytic man sought Jesus for physical […]
All Rise: Rob Bowman Refutes Bart Ehrman’s Arguments Against Jesus’ Divinity, Part 2

Recently, Dr. Bart Ehrman sat down and attempted to refute cherished Christian beliefs about the divinity of Jesus. Did he succeed? Dr. Rob Bowman says no! Join us for the second half of this exhilarating conversation as Dr. Bowman and Abdu discuss why Jesus was really crucified and whether the forgiveness of sins Jesus offers […]
All Rise: Asked and Answered! Bill Maher Claims Jesus Is Based on Pagan Myths

Bill Maher claims that Jesus was not a historical person but was based on pagan myths. Does he have a point?
Not So Fast, Bart Ehrman: Jesus and Peregrinus, twinsies?

Is there anything worse than being unoriginal? Our culture has been cultivating the image of the ultimate free spirit over many decades now: the rugged individuals, taking on the world by themselves. The mavericks. The influencers. Who recalls the famous scene from Good Will Hunting where Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, must defend the […]
All Rise: A Lawyer’s Case for the Resurrection, Part 2

This episode continues to discuss the CASE acronym, specifically the S and the E to establish the case that Jesus rose from the dead. We discuss the burden of proof once again, and how the Christian can meet the burden and then shift it onto the skeptic to try to explain what happened to Jesus.
All Rise: A Lawyer’s Case for the Resurrection, Part 1

This episode explains the differences between “circumstantial evidence” and “direct evidence.” It includes Abdu’s “CASE” acronym setting out four key facts about the historical Jesus that the vast majority of scholars agree on. Abdu argues that Jesus’ resurrection from the dead best explains the facts.