All Rise: Objection, Matt Dillahunty! Asked and Answered!

Plato’s “Euthyphro Dilemma” has been asked and answered, and some say settled for centuries. Popular atheist podcaster, YouTuber, and debater, Matt Dillahunty says that, to the contrary, Christian apologists have not sufficiently responded to the philosophical dilemma. In this episode, Abdu discusses and critiques Matt’s revived and rehabbed version of the Euthyphro Dilemma.

All Rise: Objection, Richard Dawkins! Asked and Answered

Who made God? This is a question that has been asked many, many times. It has also been answered just as many times, if not more! Why won’t this question go away? Abdu offers a response to the question, Who Made God, while also addressing the tactics of those who continue to ask the same […]