Did Curiosity Kill the Christian?

“You’re just burying your head in the sand!” Have you ever been accused of this? When a person of one belief can’t convince a person of a different belief to change his or her mind, the unsuccessful persuader might use this phrase to imply that the fault lies not in their incredible powers of argumentation […]

All Rise: Objection, Richard Dawkins! Asked and Answered

Who made God? This is a question that has been asked many, many times. It has also been answered just as many times, if not more! Why won’t this question go away? Abdu offers a response to the question, Who Made God, while also addressing the tactics of those who continue to ask the same […]

All Rise: Objection! Science Debunks the God Hypothesis, Part 2

In the previous episode, medical physicist Scott Symington described his paradigm for understanding the relationship between Christianity and science, which he called STOMA, or symbiotic trending overlapping magisteria. In this episode, Abdu and Scott discuss certain controversial topics in the conversation between religion and science and apply Scott’s STOMA paradigm to them in order to […]

All Rise: Objection! Science Debunks the God Hypothesis, Part 1

Abdu is joined by medical physicist Scott Symington to discuss the relationship between religion and science. Do they intersect or overlap, or are they part of what Stephen Jay Gould called non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA)? Symington proposes an alternative paradigm, STOMA, that holds the potential for mutual benefit between science and, in particular, Christianity.