All Rise: Is Christianity Dangerous and Delusional? LIVE at the University of Central Florida

The late physicist, philosopher, and atheist Victor Stenger once said, “Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.” This is a popular notion today, especially in the West, where Christianity and the Bible are often blamed for anti-scientific superstitions, terrorism, racism, and sexism, among other maladies. But is this correct? Abdu confronts […]
All Rise: Objection, Matt Dillahunty! Asked and Answered!

Plato’s “Euthyphro Dilemma” has been asked and answered, and some say settled for centuries. Popular atheist podcaster, YouTuber, and debater, Matt Dillahunty says that, to the contrary, Christian apologists have not sufficiently responded to the philosophical dilemma. In this episode, Abdu discusses and critiques Matt’s revived and rehabbed version of the Euthyphro Dilemma.
All Rise: Objection! Bill Maher Claims the Bible Never Condemns Slavery

Comedian, television host, and avowed atheist Bill Maher claims that the bible never condemns slavery, and in fact, it implicitly supports the institution. Abdu answers these claims, but also asks whether Maher’s objection would be sustainable in a court of law given his level of expertise. In other words, does speaking authoritatively mean that you […]